Wednesday, April 30, 2008

bleach...lots of bleach...

The update...
We have all been bitten by Daniel's spider, but thankfully we now know what the problem is and take constant steps to kick the spider out of our home. That being said, we are all on antibiotics for the next week and rubbing ointment up our nose to kill the queen bees that live there. I spend my days bleaching the kitchen and the and washing our laundry in hot, hot water. It is quite a challenge for our family - as we tend to shy away from harsh cleaning products and using the dryer in general. But we want to get this little bugger out of our lives for good, so we do what is necessary. 
All wounds are in the healing process, and hopefully no more will appear. 
Now I better understand those mothers who constantly clean and disinfect their children - at restaurants, at parks, in the homes of their friends... You never know what lurks in the most unexpected places. We fight against becoming obsessive...
Zolani is a champion. He has become a bit more clingy (can you believe it?!?) and a bit crankier at times, but overall he still shines as our joyful little nine month old. We can't get him to sit still, and I predict that walking is in the near future. Oh boy... 
We are most anxious to get rid of this bug. We want to see the family more than anything at this has been too long already...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a note from 48th & hazel, west phila.

sometimes, we just want to sit & read about someone else's life..pop in, see what's up..we feel this need to look into the everyday moments of other people's vicariously you might say..not nosy, nor intrusive..just curious to see how another person is doing, where they traveled to, a new idea they may have, what the kids are up to & well, just about anything else you could think of..sometimes though, we need to pick up the phone & say hello..
so here is the rundown of what's happenin' in west philly...
its spring! was really nice driving home tonight..the leaves on the trees are really starting to come in, giving this lush new green feeling to the entire neighborhood..
kate made a taco salad for supper & i added the lettuce and cilantro from our new roof-top garden..zolani is doing really well- 22 pounds!..experimenting with various solid foods but he still likes snuggling with his momma!..kate is busy with her editing & tutoring & as the sun shines more each day, my phone is ringing more often..slowly but surely, 4815 is taking decent shape & mom - you would be proud..we are having a porch/yard sale next saturday and im finally selling part of my 'collection'!!..but the basement may tell another tale, ive been working on turning it into a studio for my work & can see it becoming a nice space, but thats where the last stronghold of 'stuff' can be found..
oh yeah, delia.. right at the moment, she's grounded. yeah..i do.. i ground my dog..banished to her bed..
here's the story..
i had a long day on monday..left for harrisburg early and got home late..kate had text me saying that a 'delightful surprise' waited for me when i got home..said she was going out for a walk..while she was gone, delia ate an entire plate of freshly cooked brownies!..& they were for me!..& the icing on the cake was that kate only went out for a walk to pick flowers to put on top of the brownies! ahhhhhhhhhhh!..
we love this dog..she's awesome with zolani & she's a generally a really good dog..freaky sometimes..has staring contests that she wins often...but eating all of my brownies?